The First One

I suck at writing. I suck at expressing myself.
I’m 32, 33 in a few months. I’ve tried writing in my journal but I need to do a lot to make sure my handwriting is good enough to read what I wrote out.

My only thoughts when it comes to this, or making vlogs, or anything that comes from my mind, boils down to this thought -
Who do you think you are, Ray? Who cares about what you think, or you’re thoughts on anything? What’s the point of sharing stuff like this? Who do you think you are.

Well fuck it dude. This is for me. Everyone needs their space somewhere. If I’ve been paying $200 a year for a website that contains my professional work, I might as well use it to write out some thoughts. Some ideas.
I’m already embarrassed. But also I’m looking SEOs lol.

Lets hope I use this. I need to be able to write stuff out. Therapy was good to go to until my therapist started rejecting my healthcare coverage. I have to buy the coverage myself since I’m independent. I mainly only used it to go to therapy. My first therapist ended our sessions.
But that’s because he died by cancer.

Cancer has really fucked with a lot of important people in my life.

Ramblings. Once again asking myself Who do you think you are?

I’m Ray. Director of Photography. Camera Operator. Game Master for a SW5e Campaign I run. Partner to an amazing woman. Keeper of a cuddly cat. Son of a mother who did everything she could to succeed in America. Nerd who has a lot of info over lore in Mortal Kombat, Star Wars, DC, and other “useless” fantasy worlds.

I’d like to think I’m just a chill dude who wants to live comfortably and continue to create things people enjoy.